30 Of The Funniest Music Puns And Jokes People On The Internet Have Come Up With

Scenario number two, annex B – An Official Day Off AFTER You Went To Intelligent People And Paid Them To Fix Your Brain

“Wake up later than usual, enjoy it. Do some sports for your poor, poor back, go for breakfast outside, meet people to talk about work again, or about music, or about personal issues, be happy about it and afterward procrastinate at home with watching nonsense, or go to a concert/museum or do any other stuff the internet tells you to do on a normal day of (feeling bad about not practicing is lingering there all the time, but you learned to ignore it politely- blessed are the ignorant, someone said once upon a time).”

Scenario number three – Last Days Before An Important Deadline

“Wake up, eat, practice, eat, nap, practice, and then practice some more. Don’t think, work.”

See, it’s kind of a constant with our interviews – good stuff comes only with hard work, dedication, and passion. Something that we can hope to have in our chosen career paths.