40 Times People Didn’t Think Their Message Through And It Resulted In These Fails (New Pics)

The trope “Don’t Dead Open Inside” came to the internet’s spotlight more than ten years ago when it was first used in a promo poster for The Walking Dead. The line, which initially made zero sense to anyone reading it line by line, perfectly captured ensued hilarity. It stirred a whole trend of memes featuring posters, boards and signs that played on the brink of making sense (if read counterintuitively) and making no sense (if read intuitively).

There’s a whole Reddit community dedicated to such oddly amusing linguistic mishaps known as r/deadopeninside. So get ready to roll your eyes, turn your head, read it twice and thrice, calling a friend and looking for answers on Google, because we have selected some of the most head-spinning examples below.

And if there’s anything we’re gonna learn from this post, it’s how not to overcomplicate your message. At any cost. Psst! Our previous post with hard-to-read signs can be found right here.